Robustness of PointPillars Under Noisy Attack

PointPillars is a 3D object detector from LiDAR point cloud, please refer to the paper for more details:
Lang, Alex H., et al. "PointPillars: Fast encoders for object detection from point clouds." arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.05784(2018).

  1. We train the PointPillars on Kitti 3D object detection dataset (only trained for class “car”). Total training step: 296960.

  2. We randomly remove LiDAR points from validation subset to simulate an attack that affects the LiDAR receives less points. Then, we evaluate the robustness of the PointPillars under such an attack.

    In the following table, we report the AP@0.70 of PointPillars on car 3D location detection from LiDAR point cloud.

    Scheme Ratio of Points Easy Moderate Hard
    PointPillars 100% (ori) 85.39 76.56 79.04
    PointPillars 80% 80.63 70.58 68.23
    PointPillars 60% 80.16 69.87 67.29
    PointPillars 40% 77.36 66.12 60.63
    PointPillars 20% 64.97 52.73 47.31

Here, we visualize several samples:

Animation Front View Camera 100% Points 80% Points 60% Points 40% Points 20% Points
gif_000047.png image_000047.png 100_000047.png 80_000047.png 60_000047.png 40_000047.png 20_000047.png
gif_000052.png image_000052.png 100_000052.png 80_000052.png 60_000052.png 40_000052.png 20_000052.png
gif_000117.png image_000117.png 100_000117.png 80_000117.png 60_000117.png 40_000117.png 20_000117.png
gif_000107.png image_000107.png 100_000107.png 80_000107.png 60_000107.png 40_000107.png 20_000107.png
gif_000039.png image_000039.png 100_000039.png 80_000039.png 60_000039.png 40_000039.png 20_000039.png
gif_000053.png image_000053.png 100_000053.png 80_000053.png 60_000053.png 40_000053.png 20_000053.png
gif_000059.png image_000059.png 100_000059.png 80_000059.png 60_000059.png 40_000059.png 20_000059.png
gif_000093.png image_000093.png 100_000093.png 80_000093.png 60_000093.png 40_000093.png 20_000093.png
gif_000152.png image_000152.png 100_000152.png 80_000152.png 60_000152.png 40_000152.png 20_000152.png